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Resonating with Age
Voice Workshops with Gerry Trentham 
Monthly October-December 2024
Live in Toronto or Virtual

Resonating with Age is a workshop dedicated to reclaiming your moving voice as you grow older. With enjoyable and healthy voice/body practices you can begin to move and resonate more freely, once again creating sustained vocal/physical presence through your elder years.

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Open Body

Garden Party 

Saturday, July 6, 2024 at 7:30pm & Sunday, July 7, 2024 at 3pm in Williamsville, NY

THANK YOU ALL ARTISTS AND ART LOVERS for spending some time in the garden with us for food, drinks, festive outdoor flair, and the premiere of Open Body featuring immersive performances by Megan Rakeepile and Marisa Caruso with music by Moya Rakeepile and Drew Azzinaro, choreographed and directed by Gerry Trentham of lbs/sq” performance. What a wonderful gathering and such great support.  We hope to see you again soon!

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Photo by William Yong of Sylvie Bouchard & Learie McNicolls

Under Pressure: Where Roots Take Hold

Celebration & Fundraiser

Wednesday, June 12 at the CCDT (509 Parliament, Toronto, ON), 6:30 pm - 9:30 pm

THANK YOU ALL FOR JOINING US --- what a glorious sharing of art and its care.   We hope to see you all again soon.   Keep dancing!

We invited you to celebrate with us for a last evening at 509 Parliament, as our host CCDT’s time comes to an end. Thanks to all who attended! 

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Arrivals Legacy Voice
In collaboration with Arrivals Legacy Project & Open Heart Arts Theatre
Thursday, May 23 to Monday, May 27, 2024 at McMaster University


Thanks for all gathering --- we hope to see you soon with a next opportunity for performers, writers, singers, educators, change leaders, and artists of all disciplines to come together in a collaborative space for cross-cultural exchange and performative story-making, exploring where their ancestral histories meet.

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Solo writing workshops with Gerry Trentham 
Monday, March 18th through Saturday, March 23rd, 2024 (Online)

STAY TUNED FOR OUR FALL offering of the next week-long writing intensives, participants are invited to embark on a transformative autobiographically inspired journey of self-expression and creativity. Through a full-body explorative method conceived and led by acclaimed teacher, performer and choreographer/writer Gerry Trentham, participants will transform authentic and autobiographical material into distinctive performance and literary possibilities. Register now!

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Premiers FEBRUARY 22 - 24, 2024

The Gardener and the Horse, a raw exploratory duet created and performed by Michael Caldwell and Gerry Trentham, is off to Buenos Aries. In residence at the Armando Centre, their exploration with be with the local community between Thurs. Feb 22 and Sat. Feb 24 and open to an international audience on Feb 24.


Stay tuned for the live streamed public experiment on Feb 24 as virtual and live join into the intimacy of Michael and Gerry's queer sanctuary. As they move through transitions of aging with humour and blunt presence they question each’s perspectives on life, love, art and dance. They find the edge of where their queerness has been contained, subdued or sabotaged and challenge each other to jump.


lbs/sq" 2022/2023 Season Report

Our busy 2022/2023 season was a success!  

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Premiered MAY 10 - 13, 2023 
Produced by BoucharDanse and Presented by Citadel + Compagnie

This double-bill featured two new works by acclaimed Canadian choreographers, commissioned by BoucharDanse.

Bob’s Last Request!
Choreographed by the late Tedd Robinson
Performed by Sylvie Bouchard and Gerry Trentham
With support and consultation by Angie Cheng​

… but water is like a mirror

Choreographed by Sashar Zarif

Performed by Sylvie Bouchard

With live music by Sashar Zarif

Thank you all for attending and making the event such a success!

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RAY - Wins Best Experimental Film at Venice Shorts

Congratulations to Writer/Choreographer/Performer Gerry Trentham, Filmmaker Cinematography & Editor Director Jesse Deganis-Librera,
Composer John Mark Sherlock, Sound Recording KanchaleeWijakpaisarn, Costume Designer Ann Emo, and Set and Location Designer Jeffrey Livingston!


lbs/sq" 2021/2022 Season Report

Our 2021/2022 season was a huge success!  

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